I made a post on the connections thread but I figured as I expanded the character I figured I might as well make my own!

Character name: Duchess Rosaline Daniels (she/her) (used to be Miss Rosaline Ashton)
Birthday: October 30th, 1887 (age 23)
Short bio: WItty, charming, and the youngest child of a wealthy, but not titled, landowner, meant her becoming the second wife of a childless duke and duchess was quite shocking. She married the couple in June of 1808. She announced her pregnancy in July of 1808. Her daughter, Hope, was born on February 19th, 1809. Sadly tragedy struck the Daniels' home twice and now Rosaline is a widow twice-over. Now her mourning period has ended and she is re-entering society. The wealthy widow isn't interested in marriage, but perhaps the right suitor could change her mind.
More details:
- Grew up slightly isolated on her family's estate and educated primarily through private tutors
- Has an older sister and brother
- She debuted in 1807 but didn't seem to take the marriage market seriously and was known as a bit of a flirt and a wild child
- Her engagement in 1808 to the Duke and Duchess was fairly short
- She was about a decade younger than both her spouses
- Her daughter, Hope, is freshly 2, and Ros is an extremely devoted mother
- Both of her spouses died within a year of each other
A real quick timeline of public information:
-Late May/Early June: Engagement announced and married about a week later
-July: Pregnancy announced
-February: Goes into labor early and gives birth to a healthy baby girl
-May/June: Duchess Elizabeth Daniels dies of an illness and the household goes into mourning
- March: Duke Peter Daniels falls off his horse and dies
- March: Rosaline's mourning period is over and she is expected to re-enter society
- Friends (of all types! Old and new)
- Relatives (cousins, aunt, uncles, anything goes)
- Old flames and/or new suitors
- If anybody wants a patron/business partner...
I *think* we set up a tie between the Dowager Duchess and James. But it’s late and I’m not quite awake. More tomorrow.
100% percent I'm down for a wealthy widows gossip club! Rosaline needs to catch up on the like year of gossip she missed
Fellow wealthy widow here! We had a brief comment-tag on Charlotte Merriweather's profile post, but I wanted to replicate that here. Unofficial wealthy widows gossip club? :)
Distant cousins could be fun and it could a thing where Dinah's mother reached out to Rosaline's mother and Ros' mom was like can you help this girl get into less trouble than you did
If you'd be up for it, I could see her and Dinah potentially being new friends? Dinah's mother is trying to secure a marriage for Dinah that would attach them to a titled family, so Rosaline's background (wealthy but not titled, marrying into a titled family, etc) might make an interesting foundation for acquaintanceship/friendship. I'd be happy to discuss them being cousins or something of the sort as well if you're interested! Dinah's family is newly wealthy, but I could see them possibly being related to the Ashtons, even if only distantly.