Hello! Myself and @Meredith White wanted to make one post for us since we have connections both personal and family scattered about. We will also include some more information about our characters here as well!
Important Dates:
Former Duke Arthur Lee St. Clair- Died of Consumption on January 22nd 1809
Former Duchess Eliza Brigitte St. Clair- Died of a 'Broken Heart" on March 22nd 1809
Leaving behind their two daughters: Eudora St. Clair- Born March 16th 1788 & Jessamine St. Clair -Born on October 26th 1790.
Main residence: Blenheim Palace located in Devon with famous maze gardens
Holiday residence: Cholmondeley Castle located in Leeds with temple gardens
Social residence: Saltram House located in London
Eldest daughter Eudora St. Clair inherited the title of Duchess of Devon on March 24th 1809- officially appointed on April 14th 1809 during the annual Primrose Garden Ball in Devon.
Eudora was presented in 1807, Jessamine was presented in 1808

Lady Jessamine Magdalena Kathleen “Kitty” St. Clair (She/Her)
Jessamine was born the youngest daughter of the St. Clair family. From a young age she was prepped for high society by her parents--she tagged along when they went to town, to parties, and more, and despite being a rather shy toddler she grew into a very charismatic adolescent. She also grew up very closely with her maternal grandfather, who spoiled her frequently and still does to this day and instilled within her a great love of the arts. He is largely part of the reason Jessamine is a master in embroidery (to the point that her work has won a few awards!). Jessamine, encouraged by her parents, received a stellar education alongside her elder sister and as a partial result, Jane grew into a very quick-witted, cunning young lady. Often one to cause mischief as much as she could as a child, she knows very well how to navigate high society and use secrets and conversations to her advantage. Despite this, Jessamine is compassionate, happy-go-lucky, and quite the hopeless romantic. Despite being presented to society three years ago, Jessamine has vetoed most suitors or proposals. She is intent on finding the perfect person for her, and rumor has it she even has a journal where she keeps notes on all of these potential matches.
Upon the death of her parents, Jessamine’s grief fueled her desire to find a suitable marriage and attain a title for herself. She and her sister, with whom she shares an incredible bond, are intent on securing a bright future for Jessamine. Although, there are some days where she gazes wistfully out the window and wonders what lies beyond her family’s riches and titles...

Duchess Eudora St. Clair of Devon (She/They)
Eudora is the eldest of the St. Clair family, and became Duchess of Devon after her fathers struggle with consumption for three months which lead to his death. Eudora had rumors swirl of her 'rake like' behavior, and rather unpolite company she chose to keep in her years before inheriting the title. Many would describe them as one with a harder exterior, with a genuine care for others if you are able to get through to them. Others may say she is overly charming, and often find themselves flirting without knowing when it began. Growing up Eudora was closest to her father- who preferred to travel when doing business instead of writing, stating it was always more compassionate that way, and even those who don't treat us as such deserve it. Eudora's mother Eliza on the other hand took much favor over Jessamine, though it never caused animosity between the two sisters. From a young age the St. Clair family would host small gathers instead of larger ones, something Eudora grew to hate as she joined society- in large gatherings you could disappear and become unseen if wanted. As soon as she was allowed to travel- Eudora left the estate in peruse of exploring experiences she could not have found in Devon or perhaps in proper society. They would still come home for events if asked by her father, or if her younger sister had called upon her. Their hobbies include: Painting, Drinking, and Horseback riding. Eudora is set on having the best for Devon, knowing it was what their father wanted, even if the loyalty and reputation is something she has to perfect for her sisters sake.
Already Established Ties:
Childhood friend ties with @ Duke James Richmond - the St. Clair family spending a month in Bath and the Richmond family spending a month in Devon each summer growing up due to Eliza and Mary being best friends. Sometimes @Lady/Marquess Emmeline Petty-Fitzmaurice (Robin) would join as well, each mother taking a turn hosting events for the children and families. James and Eudora were presented in the same season- With the families remaining close even after deaths in both sides, when James returned from India both had to take over titles.
Family ties with @Countess Theodora "Theo" Monroe (Tessa) - Second cousins from the St. Clair sisters mothers side- The connection is Duchess Pearl St. Clair who was formally a Monroe. She passed in Spring 1761 during early childbirth. Theo Also helped Eudora back into Society and is helping her fix the reputation she has gotten.
Embroidery club? enthusiasts? With Jessamine @Countess Theodora "Theo" Monroe (Tessa) @Amelia Rutherford @(Rachel) Hazel Wynnewood
Trouble Squad/Team: @Avery/Abigail Pembroke @Eleanor Savery (Hilary) @Lord Nicholas Howard @ Duke James Richmond @Lady Marion Pembroke (Marshall) with Eudora (If I forgot anyone in this please let me know, I have lost my list for this one) Spending time in 1808 getting into trouble before seeing James off to India.
Friends in odd places @Lord Nicholas Howard formally introduced in 1808 and kept running into each other at a few events/night markets. Attended Bartholomew Fair together (Eudora)
Distant friends with @Lady Charlotte Grant and @Lady Violet Heloise Blankeney-Coventry (Elizabeth) (Eudora)
Donors of the theatre @(Rachel) Hazel Wynnewood - Hazel and Eudora knew each other previously from parties perhaps?
Who/what am I missing? We would love to have ties to the military side due to our father being very active in donations and helping the cause. If you do not see our tie here I apologize, please let me or Meredith know! We would love to have more ties with you all :)
If we aren't chaotic buddies in game, I will set a large piece of geography on fire.
I’m bumping this since we have many new players!
It's likely Sophrona has socialized with both St. Clair sisters, as fellow neighbors in the Southwest. Certainly, she would've attended their garden party, as Sophrona adores parties (and dancing). Although their social circle overlaps, Sophrona is 4 years older than Eudora and 6 years older than Jessamine, and both came out after Sophrona was wed, so it's possible it's been awhile since they've seen each other.
There are SO many folx from south west England, I feel like we are missing people for sure!
Hello @Duchess Eudora St. Clair & @Meredith White I would love to be part of an embroidery club! Also, though your base familial connections appear correct on the tree, you can add dates of birth and death here for greater detail. https://familyecho.com/p=ZNXVB&c=hl14f7er54&f=737169162527464936