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Duke James Richmond (Greg)
Apr 03, 2021
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Duke James Richmond (Greg)
Mar 28, 2021
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Welcome to our first-ever synchronized RJ Discord group watch! Today it's Bridgerton, S1E1, on Netflix. How this will work Around 7:10pm (EDT), we'll do a countdown from 5. At 0, we'll all press Play on our various Netflix-streaming devices. You're welcome to chat during the episode in this text channel and/or the voice channel- the same server rules apply, so please be respectful to others who may have different opinions of the episode. In order to reduce background noise and echoes during the showing, the voice channel is Press-to-Talk. You need to set a keybind and use it when you want to speak (such as holding the C key). See the vid tutorial or the written instructions posted above! Note: Using Discord in a browser requires the Discord page be your active page when using Push to Talk. We recommend accessing Discord on phone or via the app during this viewing. join the discord here:
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Duke James Richmond (Greg)
Mar 26, 2021
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If you'd like to join us, all you have to do is join the discord server and pick up the "Movie Watch" role!
Movie Watch on Discord! content media
Duke James Richmond (Greg)
Mar 06, 2021
In General Discussion
If haven't already read this forum post, please click here now! Now that you have your bingo card, you're looking to set up specific character ties, right? Please copy and paste the following format into a fresh comment, and edit it to fit your needs. Format: @Character-Name seeks: Character Tie Character Tie Character Tie For contact, I prefer: (replies to this comment/Direct Messages/hand-written letters) Example: @Duke James Richmond (Greg) seeks: (eg. "The Devil's Errand Person") Character Tie (eg. "Witness to an Indiscretion") Character Tie (eg. "I ruined their ________") For contact, I prefer: Direct Messages (but any contacts are great!) Wait, what's going on here, you ask? Click Here to go to Character Tie Bingo info post
𝗕𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗼 𝗠𝗲 ! content media
Duke James Richmond (Greg)
Mar 06, 2021
In General Discussion
Those who know me will be surprised that sometimes, I can be shy. But it's situational. If I don't have a context for talking to someone, I feel uncomfortable just striking up a conversation with them. I suspect a lot of people have felt something similar. Sometimes, making character ties is awkward. When posting for ties, you worry about being too wordy, or about being too narrow, so you ask for anything. Or you reply to someone broadly. Or maybe you don't reach out at all! This is where Character Tie Bingo comes in! The purpose of this game is to create a reason, a drive, an impetus to reach out to people to establish a somewhat specific character tie. Comment here OR direct message me, @Duke James Richmond (Greg) that you want to play! I will DM (direct message) you an actual Bingo Card, complete with all sorts of possible character ties. I have a few different copies, so I will be giving them out at random. You are now all set for seeking out character ties! To help with this, you can: Post a comment in the "Bingo Me" forum post, following the suggested comment format, requesting ties. Reply to someone's "Bingo Me" comment. Direct Message someone who's clearly part of the "Bingo" game. Direct Message someone who's not part of the "Bingo" game. (They might be really, really shy and just need someone to bring them into the fun!) Some suggested and entirely optional rules: No more than 1 npc per line. No more than 2 previously established ties per line After you're done, please email the ties you've made to @Athena Peters, so that the team can update what they know about your characters! In traditional Bingo, the aim is to get a straight line of 5 cells. Whoever gets there first yells Bingo! But we are at home and our families/friends/roommates/neighbors may look at us funny if we yell Bingo! But maybe that's part of the fun? Yell Bingo! Have fun. However, I would suggest, that whoever wins is the person who gets the coolest and richest character ties. Maybe it's the person who gets the most character ties? Probably @Athena Peters? Since I am really strongly suggesting here that after you are finished playing and have all the character ties you want, sending off an email to her that updates her on all of this cool new information about your character. @Sophrona Ramsbury has been updating the main post of the "Discrete Character Recommendations" post that can help give you ideas of who might be a person to fit a particular tie. Click here to go to that forum post. Admittedly, one could also go through the Wanted Connections forum post, but that's... a little dense. You can find that by clicking here. About the Bingo Cards I tried to leave some stuff vague so that everyone would have a little leeway to make things fit. If something doesn't fit, or if you hate something, that's okay! You don't need to make that tie. Maybe make a different tie instead. The main purpose here is to create character ties and to create drama worth writing about. We can't be the heroine in every tale. Sometimes, we are the villains, and that's okay! Have a cool idea for a character tie that isn't on your bingo card? Direct Message me and I'll add it to the rotation of bingo cards!
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐢𝐞 𝐁𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐨 content media
Duke James Richmond (Greg)
Feb 28, 2021
In General Discussion
In my ongoing research on life in the Regency, it seems as though the Grand Tour was often an equally accepted and respected alternative to university for the nobility. The Grand Tour was basically time spent in France and Italy (maybe the other major capitals of Europe) with a tutor, learning to be cultured, worldly, and refined. Naturally, due to the Napoleonic Wars, the Grand Tour was suspended. #NapoleonRuinsEverything. But...what if it wasn't suspended? What if, instead of traveling through the Great Capitals of Europe with a tutor, you traveled through the Great Capitals of West Africa, or toured the Great Courts of South East Asia, or any of the other really wonderfully rich and interesting places in our setting? As a cis gay white male IRL, this is totally not my call to make, and clearly, this is more Athena/RJ-writers, but it struck me and I thought I should float the idea?
Duke James Richmond (Greg)
Feb 22, 2021
In General Discussion
Hey guys, So, I fell down a rabbit hole tonight based on how to address a titled peer. Apparently, there are loads of ways, determined by their ranks? Well. I decided to share what I learned with links! What I thought was particularly relevant was that they specifically point out how to address someone in letters and on envelopes. Also, the children of peers, to some extent. Given so many folks are playing either a titled peer, or the child of a peer, I felt this info might help. best, Greg Duke/Duchess Marquess / Marchioness Earl / Countess Viscount / Viscountess Baron / Baroness Baronet Knights Dames Untitled Persons
Duke James Richmond (Greg)
Feb 19, 2021
In General Discussion
I thought it might be nice if we had a spot where we could record character birthdays. (Although, I'm totally cheating and using my own so I def. get mail on my RL birthday!) Since people may wish to include some sort of little gift thing (see the tokens thread), maybe include if you have an allergy or aversion to something? What makes this different is that I'm going to add every name and birthday to this top thread so everyone can easily find this information as the game moves forward. I will also try, very hard, to adjust things so that the next month's birthdays are bigger/quoted. If you don't mind adding your birth year, please include that. If not, don't worry about it. Format: MMM. DD, YYYY Character Full Name The Birthday List Month/Day Person January Jan. 7th, 1787 Lord Nicholas Howard February Feb. 8th, 1789 Lady Aurora Bethridge Feb. 12th, 1781 Lord Abraham Griffen Feb. 14th, 1785 Lady Catherine Marie Stuart Feb. 18th, 1790 Lady Abigail Pembroke March Mar. 15th, 1786 Miss Elisa Thomas Mar. 16th, 1788 Duchess Eudora St. Clair Mar. 16th, 1787 Countess Theo Monroe April Apr. 1st 17XX Lady Arabella Grace Ashbrooke Apr. 1st, 1790 Lady Violet Heloise Blankeney-Coventry Apr. 9th, 1789 Lady Charlotte Grant Apr. 12th 1784 Lady Morven Blackwood May May 2nd, 1784 Lady Sophrona Ramsbury May 6th, 1787 Lady Eleanor Savery May 12th, 1786 Miss Beatrice Ballard May 18th, 1790 Miss Dinah Wolverton May 22nd, 1788 Viscountess Kaeitha Elise Vale May 30th, 1790 Lady Alice Fitzgerald June Jun. 2nd, 1785 Lady Octavia “Tavi” Thistledown Jun. 17th, 1788 Lady Theodosia "Theo" Graves Jun. 20th, 1790 Lady Elaine Pedley Jun. 26th, 1789 Baroness Margery Eddowes Jun. 27th, 1769 The Right Reverend William Lincoln Jun. 29th, 1778 Lord Mason Ember July Jul. 2nd, 1786 Duke James Richmond Jul. 3rd, 1786 Mr. Colin M. Jacobs Jul. 7th, 1787 Mr. Newt Fidget Jul. 26th, 1791 Viscountess Charlotte Hughes August Aug. 3rd, 1773 Colonel G.O. Molyneux Aug. 8th, 1788 Lady Tabitha C.L. de Beauchamp Aug. 17th, 1792 Lady Marion Pembroke Aug. 21st, 1788 Mr. Edmund Ayles Aug. 23rd, 1780 Ms. Hazel Wynnewood September Sep. 4th, 1774 Mr. James Hughes, MP Sep. 15, 1788 Miss Coredelia Hayes Sep. 22, 1790 Lady Euphemia Griffen Sep. 23, 1785 Lt. Amelia Rosemont October Oct. 2nd, 1786 Lady Olivia Curtis Oct. 9th, 1786 Lady Eloise Snowden Oct. 11th, 1788 Lady Malaya Oct. 28, 1780 Declan Whitney, Vis. Seabrook Oct. 30th, 1787 Duchess Rosaline Daniels November Nov. 1st, 1785 Countess Alyssandra Greenthorne Nov. 2nd 1783 Baron Dimitri Shields Nov. 4th, 1776 Lady Hervey Nov. 12th, 1788 Lady Yvette Bellamy Nov.13th, 17XX Captain Katherine Sunderlin Nov. 23rd, 1785 Lady Eugenia Chisholm December Dec. 1st, 1786 Marquessa Emmeline Petty-Fitzmaurice Dec. 4th, 1783 Lady Charlotte Merriweather Dec. 21, 1781 Miss Alice Greenleaf
Duke James Richmond (Greg)
Feb 17, 2021
In General Discussion
Hi Guys! Once upon a time, when this game was a little smaller, @Duchess Eudora St. Clair and I posted claims for manor houses and titles so we didn't all wind up living together with the same titles. Naturally, these kind of became long and beautiful threads that might be a bit intimidating to those who joined late, and who will join later. So, I had the idea of creating an AirTable form for those who care about these kinds of details to generate a concise list of this information. Important Note from Athena: We do not require players to use online communications for this game, so there could still be plenty of players who do not use that list so it is possible there might be some double use of place names, manors, etc. If that does occur the proper thing to do is pretend that they are referring to the "other" estate or title by that name. If you could just put that caveat on any posts you make about it, I would appreciate it. Side Note from Greg If you just want to be TitlePeer Firstname Lastname and don't care about the "of Place", that's totally cool. If you just want to have "lovely home in the country" and not take it further, that's completely fine. If you want to claim a specific house but not a specific title (or vice versa) you can just claim what you want. This is really just a courtesy/tool for new players and existing enthusiasts who are interested in this level of nerdery. Claimed Titles Claimed Homes (London & Country) Submit your own claims here: Please don't feel obliged to fill this out if you don't want to!
Duke James Richmond (Greg)
Feb 16, 2021
In General Discussion
With how things have gotten in the general connections thread, I thought it would be best if I took James' tie building to the side. Since I have been an eager beaver in pursuing ties, I feel partially responsible for making the general post the morass it is now. Brief About A tall and reasonably attractive young man of 24, the young Duke of Somerset is an athlete and outdoorsman to the core. Following in the footsteps of his late brother Nigel and father Henry, James is an excellent rider and has a genuine gift with horses. Indeed, the Richmonds of Bath are known to produce some of the finest horses for dressage, steeplechase, and horseracing. James was a bit of hell-raiser and a rascal before he left for India, getting into mischief with the Trouble Squad ™️. By the grace of Heaven, he was not ruined, nor his family's reputation ruined. Since his return from India in April of 1810, Duke James enjoyed hosting extravagant hunts and house parties at Castle Richmond in Bath or at Castle Dunrobin in Sutherland, Scotland. With his mother, the dowager duchess's help, he also hosted a ball just before the last London season. Those who follow horses and horse racing would be aware that the Dukes of Somerset have one of the finest stables and breeding programs in Western Europe. General Stats Age: 24 Height: 6'2, Weight: 200 lbs, Athletic build Hair: Light Brown Eyes: Bright Blue Eyes Orientation: Bisexual Titles: 7th Duke of Somerset, 9th Marquess of Bath, 5th Earl of Sutherland Easy / Quick Character Tie Options Horse enthusiasts of all kinds. Peers from his time at Cambridge Locals to Southwest England, where his mother was a consummate hostess Those generally in their mid-twenties who debuted in the spring of 1807 Political types who knew and worked with Henry Richmond (Father), 5th Duke of Somerset in Parliament. Naval types who were at the battle of Trafalgar and knew his late brother (Nigel) Ladies who were debuted at the same time as his late sister (Anne) NOTE: None of what appears below is really "open info" but is meant as a way for me to connect with people I don't know and to build a richer backstroy for my character. I really hope you'll respect me and my character by not meta-gaming anything you read here. Timeline England/Scotland — Recent History May 1810 — February 1811 Ties Sought Dance Partners at a Ball during the end of the 1810 season. You were at one of my house parties or a hunt (fall 1810) I spilled my drink on your date by accident (or on purpose). You're an older sort that I have a fascination with. You're involved in politics and want to shape my character's political views (he has a seat in the House of Lords). You're involved in the religious debate and want to sway me to your side. You love horses. India September 1808 — April 1810 England — Graduation and Joining Society May 15th, 1807 -- August 1808 Ties Sought Fellow Newbies to the Season — What it says on the tin. We likely danced together at a ball. Perhaps exchanged awkward conversation over a punchbowl. The "Near Miss" Friend — Society at large pinned high hopes on us; our parents weren't opposed. We shared a variety of moments that were completely accidental that everyone made assumptions about. We are friendly but don't really see each other like that. Right? The "We Never Saw That" Friend — Did we stumble upon a coupling enflagrante delico? Did we witness a luminary of society engage in some petty thieving? Did we see a bit of mutual groping in the least likely place? Whatever it is, whenever we see each other, it is either frightfully awkward, or we are prone to snickers and giggles. ( @Lady Theodosia Graves (She/Her Rachael) ) The "Totally Didn't Kiss In The Garden" Friend — Perhaps we did kiss. Perhaps we simply found ourselves in a garden and barely managed to avoid a scandal. I think this tie could be all sorts of fun and delightful, but will definitely require us to speak via messenger! The "Alibi" Friend — We have covered for each other, at least once for each of us, for reasons we may or may not have discussed. This is totally something that should be worked out via messenger. ( @Lady Charlotte Grant ) Ireland — Mourning & Moving On November 18th, 1805 — August 25th, 1806 Ties Sought Horse Racing Enthusiasts (Available starting in late May of 1806) — Any — Henry, James' late father, had spent his life building up the Richmond family stables in Bath to have quite the reputation. James always took pleasure in riding and being "outdoorsy". Mostly, he loves horses and fellow race enthusiasts could have helped bring him out of his funk from losing both father and brother so close to each other. The Libertine (Available from early June 1806) — Ideally, someone who's Irish — Did James want to be you, sleep with you, or merely adventure with you? Up to us to figure out. The crux of this tie is that you really evoked an image in time that helped model James' love of adventure and curiosity about people. This does not need to be a sexual/romance tie. Easing Out of Morning w/ Irish Beer -- @Lady Theodosia Graves (She/Her Rachael) -- I watched a horserace in Ireland where her family's horse won the race. After going up and congratulating them, Mrs. Graves invited me to their celebration festivities. As I was exiting mourning, this was a welcome respite. Shortly after dinner, friend Theo suggest we go down to the village pub and get drunk on cheap beer. We become DEAR friends. (TS?) Cambridge — Education, September 1st, 1802 — October 28th, 1805 Ties Sought Best Friends & Good Friends — I've read that going to university was more about networking than it was about learning. James was the younger son of a Duke, but still the son of Duke. The Angel(s) on my Shoulder — were you trying to set me down the road of piety and diligent study? or were you trying to keep me from making a scandal of myself? In maturity, I am likely relying on you to help act as a moral compass so that I can be a Proper Duke (tm) The Devil(s) on my shoulder — for good or for ill, you were probably encouraging me to do all sorts of things. Perhaps you are Peter Pan to my Wendy. Perhaps you haven't grown up yet. Former Tutors — James is an awfully clever sod. Besides that, he genuinely did enjoy surpassing expectations and earning praise. When he could be convinced to buckle down and study. Were you one of the people trying to groom James to go into Law/Politics? Acquaintances — While James was popular, I don't expect everyone to meet him to be his lifelong friend. Were we just in different circles but amicably so? Perhaps we remember each other for one shining moment of almost friendship before our circles rotated away from each other again? England/Scotland — Childhood, July 2nd, 1786 (Birthday) — Augst 31st, 1802 Ties Sought Childhood Friends Peerage or Commoner born are welcome. There's a local village (as yet unnamed) where you could have grown up and gotten into mischief with the "brats from the big house" Neighbors in Bath/Somerset/Wiltshire/Devonshire Younger Brother/Sister (1 slot open -- must message me directly about this to discuss extensively)
Duke James Richmond (Greg)
Feb 15, 2021
In General Discussion
I have tried following folx and trying to message people who have followed me back, to no avai.
Duke James Richmond (Greg)
Feb 09, 2021
In General Discussion
So there are loads and loads of great houses dotting the English Countryside. But it might be awkward if we all lived in the same one. By accident! it might also be fun to know *where* in England people are planning on basing themselves :) Edit:: There are also plenty of London homes that people are claiming, so I've denoted that as well. Country Estate: Castle Richmond (formerly Castle Howard), Bath, Somerset London Residence Richmond House (formerly Clarendon House) Piccadilly, London Scottish Holiday Home Dunrobin Castle Sutherland, Scotland
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Duke James Richmond (Greg)

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