In developing a world without colonialism, we get to re-imagine many things. One of the most fun is festivals! With the establishment of the powerful trade alliance between the Tsalagi, West African Nations and Britain, we decided there would be an annual tradition where these allies gathered to share cultures, games and knowledge. We asked our writer and cultural consultant Elizabeth Upsur to imagine this gathering for us and she did not disappoint!

The annual festival will be held in West Smithfield to commemorate the trade relations, alliances, and cultures of West Africa, the East Westlands, and the British Isles.
Schedule of Events
All Week Long
Zoological Garden Exhibit: East Westlands bison, Luna moths, trained black bears, eagles. West Africa: Hyenas, pygmy hippos, giraffes, caracals, the mongoose, Goliath frogs, warthogs, Ball pythons, and more!
Fortune telling
Vendors will be selling flavored popcorn and popcorn balls in garlic, chili, butter, or original flavor Puff puff, flavored fried dough balls, in flavors like yam, Tsalagi pumpkin, or British raspberry fruit filled Spicy plantain chips
Chilled Sombi (sweet coconut rice pudding)
Little Dankopta: over a mile of stands and stalls with Tsalagi beadwork, bows. West African carved canes, bone/beaded/carved wooden jewelry (necklaces, earrings, bracelets, arm bands, belts, rings, waist beads, anklets, and good luck charms). Body painting like one’s favorite animal, bronze works, wood cuts, wood carvings, and the like are available for purchase, in addition to foodstuffs, fabrics, ready made clothing, drums, travel packages, and small live animals. The usual Briton items of jams, jellies, meats, and small portraits made by artists such as Lachlan Adair are available.
Large tent exhibits: art tent representing the nations and cultures display masks/statues/rugs/ futures tent represents technological wonders for navigation, new models of wheelchairs, submarines, steam powered
Rides: Hot air balloons, large and exotic animals like elephants, camels, and mechanical 3 mile long tent maze
Monday 19
Opening Ceremonies: parade of nations
Exhibition Dambe match of last year’s champions
100 meter, 200 meter, and 300 meter footraces
Kola Ale 40 flavor tasting tables sponsored by Kola Ale, including boysenberry, lemon, lime, mango, cherry, guava, and more!
The Regent of Love and Beauty— the most beautiful dancer—is crowned and reigns over the week’s festivities
Tuesday 20
A large games and qualifying presentation of combatants from West Africa, British Isles, and the East Westlands
Archery contests non-binary event
Acrobatics, fire breathing, and other Death Defying stunts!
Wednesday 21
Mixed group Dambe semifinal matches
Archery contest men’s events
Pepper Eating contest
Equestrian vaulting in Dahomey style, where athletes perform acrobatic skills both with and on trained horses
Thursday 22
Dambe Standard quarterfinal matches
All day Mancala tournament
Friday 23
Dambe Standard semi final matches
Archery contest women’s events
Pie making contest judged by Daveth Trelawney
Saturday 24
Dambe Mixed Group final matches
Stilt walking contest
Sunday 25
Closing Ceremonies
Final festival Dambe championship match
Dance party
Premiere of Kofi’s Drum Opera, My Beloved is the Ocean, a Beninese folktale about the Sun, the Moon, and the Ocean’s tragic love story
Follow our social media accounts for updates on the action every day!
How will your character participate in the week? Will they compete or bet on a favorite? What dances will they join in on? How did they like the drum opera? Let us know all of this and more by participating in Out of Character discussion on the forums, sending letters about your experiences to each other and NPCs or by sending in your RSVP using our form by Aug 31st so we can report on it in September's Gazette!