Those who know me will be surprised that sometimes, I can be shy. But it's situational. If I don't have a context for talking to someone, I feel uncomfortable just striking up a conversation with them. I suspect a lot of people have felt something similar. Sometimes, making character ties is awkward. When posting for ties, you worry about being too wordy, or about being too narrow, so you ask for anything. Or you reply to someone broadly. Or maybe you don't reach out at all!
This is where Character Tie Bingo comes in!
The purpose of this game is to create a reason, a drive, an impetus to reach out to people to establish a somewhat specific character tie.

Comment here OR direct message me, @Duke James Richmond (Greg) that you want to play!
I will DM (direct message) you an actual Bingo Card, complete with all sorts of possible character ties. I have a few different copies, so I will be giving them out at random.
You are now all set for seeking out character ties! To help with this, you can:
Post a comment in the "Bingo Me" forum post, following the suggested comment format, requesting ties.
Reply to someone's "Bingo Me" comment.
Direct Message someone who's clearly part of the "Bingo" game.
Direct Message someone who's not part of the "Bingo" game. (They might be really, really shy and just need someone to bring them into the fun!)
Some suggested and entirely optional rules:
No more than 1 npc per line.
No more than 2 previously established ties per line
After you're done, please email the ties you've made to @Athena Peters, so that the team can update what they know about your characters!

In traditional Bingo, the aim is to get a straight line of 5 cells. Whoever gets there first yells Bingo!
But we are at home and our families/friends/roommates/neighbors may look at us funny if we yell Bingo! But maybe that's part of the fun? Yell Bingo! Have fun.
However, I would suggest, that whoever wins is the person who gets the coolest and richest character ties. Maybe it's the person who gets the most character ties?
Probably @Athena Peters? Since I am really strongly suggesting here that after you are finished playing and have all the character ties you want, sending off an email to her that updates her on all of this cool new information about your character.

@Sophrona Ramsbury has been updating the main post of the "Discrete Character Recommendations" post that can help give you ideas of who might be a person to fit a particular tie. Click here to go to that forum post.
Admittedly, one could also go through the Wanted Connections forum post, but that's... a little dense. You can find that by clicking here.
About the Bingo Cards
I tried to leave some stuff vague so that everyone would have a little leeway to make things fit. If something doesn't fit, or if you hate something, that's okay! You don't need to make that tie. Maybe make a different tie instead. The main purpose here is to create character ties and to create drama worth writing about. We can't be the heroine in every tale. Sometimes, we are the villains, and that's okay!
Have a cool idea for a character tie that isn't on your bingo card? Direct Message me and I'll add it to the rotation of bingo cards!
This is so neat, I'd be interested in this if it's still ongoing!
I would like to play
ok, fine. may i have a bloody card
Tavvi would very much like to play as she misses people!
A Clarification I made earlier to a friend about the purpose of the Bingo game: "To be clear, the purpose of the bingo cards is to inspire people to make dramatic character ties and to give them the context/ability/wherewithal/impetus to seek out character ties."
You could go back to the people you've made very loose or vague ties with and build something deeper and more interesting.
You could reach out to people new to the forums/game and develop something cool that brings them in.
You could even write to people who aren't doing the forums and see if they want to make a character tie with you based on the bingo card.
I just want to help people get the most out of their experience here.
Okay, I was holding out because I was slightly overwhelmed with connection, but I want to play.
How to play is clarified -- just email @Athena Peters when you're finished making character ties so that the Team knows about your characters!
I would like to play!
I want to play!