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Lady Violet Heloise Blankeney-Coventry (Elizabeth)
Feb 23, 2021
In General Discussion
I've been meaning to post this, but hadn't quite gotten around to it. But if anyone else would like to delve into what precisely was in style at start-of-game, or what accessories or trends might make our characters slightly scandalous, here's a venue to do so! I'm including some links I've found helpful in reacquainting myself with Regency fashion: This really delves into specific years and the effects of the blockade between France and England during the War: This is very good for basic terminology but isn't quite clear on the French/English distinctionL And here's an interesting article about dress and Austen:
Lady Violet Heloise Blankeney-Coventry (Elizabeth)
Feb 16, 2021
In General Discussion
I thought it would be diverting/useful to have a thread for gathering Regency slang! To be honest, I don't remember much myself. I vaguely remember 'the outside of enough' and 'bamming' being in use, possibly?
Lady Violet Heloise Blankeney-Coventry (Elizabeth)
Feb 15, 2021
In General Discussion
How to address Violet on a letter: The Lady Violet Blankeney-Coventry Carnelian House Mayfair, London Greeting: Violet is quite friendly and rather informal, and likely will not be offended by however you address her. On a first letter, she'd probably expect My Dear Lady or Lady Violet, but will likely not be offended by just Violet (unless the letter itself is somehow wildly incongruous with that!). If you'd like to plot out connections with Lady Violet, please do so here! Lady Violet is the younger daughter of Lords Blankeney and Coventry, who were the surprise match of the season the year of Lord Blankeney's debut. Lord William Coventry, Earl of Coventry, was a confirmed bachelor and notoriously dour, and it was whispered that he would rather let the Coventry line die out than have to endure time in society, or God forbid, a formal courtship. However, he accompanied a friend to Almack's as a favour one evening and locked eyes with Lord John Blankeney, the youngest of the Blankeney siblings. John had just come out and was generally considered to be an amiable young man, but with no inheritance, two elder sisters, and a very modest dowry, no one expected him to make a particularly brilliant match. The two men walked toward one another as if in a dream, scandalously danced every remaining dance that evening with total disregard for their dance cards, and were married by special license a week later. Society was quite divided as to whether this was the most romantic thing anyone had ever seen, or utter foolishness. In any case, the Lords Coventry had two children, first Edward, and then Violet several years later. Tragically, they were both lost in a disaster at sea when Edward was at Oxford and Violet was only seven. Edward was left to manage the Coventry estate at a very young age, and Violet was primarily raised by their grandmother, Amelia Blankeney, in her home in Mayfair. She spent many summers in Bath with her cousins on the Blankeney side, Eleanor and James, and Christmases with Edward at his estate, Croome Court, in Upton-upon-Severn in south Worcestershire. Edward married their charming neighbour Katherine, and they now have several children, of whom Violet is very fond. Violet's grandmother house backed onto an Anglican churchyard, and Violet spent a great deal of time reading novels there as a child until she was caught by the son of the minister, Theo. They became fast friends, and eventually went down to Oxford together. At Oxford, she met Lady Theo Monroe, and they became the closest of friends, causing general bemusement when the three went around together. Lady Violet is now embarking on her very first season at 21, after reading French Literature at Oxford. She is considered one of the great beauties of the season and is quite a fashion-plate (and often wears things that are mildly shocking or over-the-top, and sometimes seem suspiciously French). However, while she is charming and funny, she generally comes across as far too sweet and guileless to be considered a true wit by any but her close friends. She can, however, be very impatient with people when she feels they are acting unkindly. She wishes to marry for true love, as did her fathers, and has been raised on stories of their marriage. (Lady Violet is bi.) She has never been in love, but she's hoping that will change for her! However, despite her beauty and charm, she hasn't the slightest idea how to flirt, which may cause her some difficulties. Lady Vi is very involved with charitable endeavours, under the influence of Lady Theo, and also plays piano and frequents the theatre. She absolutely love every animal she sees, no matter how odd. She'll strike up a conversation with anyone of any social class at the slightest provocation. Fortunately, no one can ever believe she's being even the slightest bit flirtatious, so she's avoided scandal from this practice thus far.
Existing Connections: She is close to her older brother, Edward, the Earl of Coventry, and childhood friends with her neighbour, Theo, who went down to Oxford with her. Ironically, her other dearest friend from Oxford @Countess Theodora "Theo" Monroe (Tessa) also goes by Theo, which I'm sure has never caused any confusion... She is close to her beloved cousins, @Eleanor Savery (Hilary) and @ Duke James Richmond and often spends summers with them in Bath.
Wanted Connections: -additional friends from Oxford -possible connections to the current Lord Coventry's wife -possible love interests (although probably more so once we're in-game; she strongly believes in love at first sight due to her parents, but who knows?) -scholars/friends with connections to France -fashion connections -Violet doesn't have idea who her birth mother is. She doesn't particularly care, but wouldn't be adverse to finding out. P.S. Lady Violet may have some additional secrets, but I won't reveal them here just yet.
Lady Violet Heloise Blankeney-Coventry (Elizabeth)
Feb 12, 2021
In General Discussion
Would you like to discuss your character's religious affiliations, or just religion in the Regency period generally? Are you curious about what your character's religious affiliation might be? Here is a space for those purposes! In England in our alternate world as it is currently set up (see the thread about equality), King James II passed the Act of Indulgence with additions about homosexuality and gender fluidity. William and Mary still repealed the parts of this Act pertaining to Christianity, and issued their Act of Tolerance offering official Anglican doctrine for Christians in Britain, but delegated power to Parliament (as they did in the real world), and did not take the step of actually not allowing Dissenters and Catholics to worship. However, in this world Parliament immediately made use of that power to pass legislation allowing anyone of any non-Christian religion to practice and have full rights in terms of standing for Parliament or teaching at university, etc. Currently it is being debated politically as to whether to extend these rights to Dissenters (Unitarians, Universalists, Baptists, etc.) and Catholics, creating an odd situation where Dissenters and Catholics are staunch political allies despite agreeing on nothing. Presumably most in the nobility and upper classes are either Anglican or not Christian at all, but perhaps they still believe in religious equality and are campaigning for it, and there may be some brave souls who will court scandal for their beliefs. (And thanks so much to the game creators for making a space for me to do something fun with my master's thesis research for once!)
Lady Violet Heloise Blankeney-Coventry (Elizabeth)
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