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Join date: Feb 4, 2021


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Name: Honorable Ada Everley Whitman

Age: 33

Background: Noble The eldest daughter to the Count and Countess of Chichester, professional spinster and fashionable disappointment. No stranger to scandal, she made herself unmarriageable and left it up to her elder brother and three younger sisters. Ada has comfortably settled into her role as eccentric spinster who keeps company with anyone clever, educated and interesting. A lover of fashion she is always a sight to be seen at social events and has been known to don mens attire when attending non society events, and salons. Rumors of her love life are rich and colorful though she will neither confirm nor deny any romantic attachments. A philanthropist and investor she is involved both with the arts and industry, she keeps status due to her wit, her charm, fortune and respectability of her family. She loves hunting, performing arts, fashion, scandal and keeping company with other disgraced members of the peerage.

H. Ada Everley Whitman (Carly)

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