So everyone knows that high-born ladies were big into embroidery. There are several ladies with public talents for embroidery, and Amelia, for one, would love a handy stitch and bitch, for creativity and gossip, among other things.
That said, knitting is also period appropriate! While usually more common in lower classes, anyone needing warm things for cold climes could be in need, and what better way to show support to the troops than making sure they are prepared? Crochet doesn't seem to make its way into ladies magazines until the 1840s, though. Pout. Still, plenty of opportunities to use fiber arts for in character bonding!
Reminder that tonight is our first RJ Craft Circle meetup at 7 PM EST-9PM :D On the new RJ Craft Circle Discord @Amelia Rutherford (Renee) @Morven Blackwood (Jenn) @Lady Eleanor Savery (Hilary) @Lady Margery Eddowes (Amber she/they) @Viscountess Charlotte Hughes @Lady/Marquess Emmeline Petty-Fitzmaurice (Robin) @Lord Ambrose Etienne Galois (Ezekiel) @H. Ada Everley Whitman (Carly) @Lady Olivia Curtis (Helen)
Feel free to invite any RJ players who are not on the forums. Hopefully next week, I can ask @Athena Peters to send round an email invite for all players.
ETA: This group created with permission of GMs. Reminder that RJ Craft Circle is OOC and fan run only.
ETA2: If you don't have a discord app, it is free and easy to set up even if you are not the best at technology *coughs myself cough*