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Join date: Feb 7, 2021


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(Pending GM Approval): I’m commonly known as Lady Emmeline Lansdowne (Emmie or Em to her good friends, M in signatures) and I’m the only daughter and second child of William Petty-Fitzmaurice and Sophia Carterer Petty-Fitzmaurice.

Often seen wearing trousers, vests, top hats and riding boots, I’m just as comfortable expressing my femininity with a gorgeous gown if the occasion warrants it. Likewise, I do not limit myself when it comes to choosing for whom I develop romantic feelings, though that is quite far from my mind at the moment. I am at once fun-loving and responsible. I will not instigate nor will I shirk from a fight (figuratively and on rare occasions literally). I’m friendly as a default until given reason not to be and I’m fiercely loyal to those few I consider close friends. I adore being in the know about society (much like watching a never-ending play unfold), but I have no interest in information being used maliciously.

My Father William Petty-Fitzmaurice was the 1st Marquess of Lansdowne and the 2nd earl of Shelburne. He died in 1805. He was a British Whig statesman

who served in many roles during his short career, including Home Secretary (1782)

and Prime Minister (1782–83). He helped negotiate peace with America.

My mother Sophia Carteret was the daughter of John Carteret, the 2nd Earl Granville, and his second wife Sophia Fermor, the daughter of Thomas Fermor, 1st Earl of Pomfret. It was through my mother’s family that we obtained the Lansdowne estates. She was known as a shrewd invester with a natural mind for business and economics. She died in 1803.

My older brother Edmund inherited my father's title upon his death, but we both equally inherited the estate near Bath (Bowood House) and in London (Lansdowne House). Edmund attended Cambridge before serving in the Royal British Navy, including participating in the Battle of Trafalgar, where his best friend/my fiance Nigel was killed.

Though I seem to live a life of leisure, it has never been one of idleness or laziness. I enjoy nature and am prone to lengthy hikes. I avidly attend lectures and theatrical performances. I’m a voracious reader. I write letters and stories, even trying my hand at composing a play. And, when nobody is looking, I love to sneak into the kitchen and bake.

Lady/Marquess Emmeline Petty-Fitzmaurice (Robin)

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