Name: Ellianna (Ell-e-on-ah) Darling Moonshire
Pronouns: She/her
Birthday (Age): September 18th, 1786 (24)
Title(s): Lady Ellianna Moonshire, daughter of the Earl and Countess of Moonshire. Soon to be the Countess of the Moonshire Estate.
Address on an envelope: Lady Elliana Moonshire Moonshire Manor, Newbury Address in a letter: Formal: Lady Ellianna Moonshire, Lady Moonshire Informal: Lady Ellianna, Ellianna, various nicknames as established.
Ellianna -pronounced (el-e-anna)- is the eldest Daughter of the Earl and Countess Moonshire of the Moonshire Manor. Her family crest is dedicated to the moonflower since this flower seems to magically appear year after year since her ancestors occupied the manor. Since she has been hidden away her whole childhood, she longs to see the world around her instead of learning of it through books. She is ready to take on whatever the world has to throw at her, either politics, social agendas, and possibly courtships.